Bullying Information
Dear Parent,
Thank you for your communication regarding a potential bullying situation. Bullying behavior can have severe consequences for students’ well-being, both emotionally and academically. Cape View implements a strict zero-tolerance approach so, we can send a clear message that bullying will not be tolerated within our school community.
Cape View Anti-Bully Procedures
1. Parent or Student make an adult aware of the situation.
2. Reporting Forms are located in the classrooms, Cafeteria, and Front Office.
3. Procedures and District procedures are available on our website.
4. Once the Student Reporting Form is returned to the school the process of investigation begins. This is a 15 school day window.
5. A final decision is made based on all input from the parties.
6. Parent and student are notified of the results. A formal letter is mailed home as well.
7. Follow-up date is set to check back in with the student.
The next step is for you to complete the Student Reporting Form and return it to the front office. Once returned, the investigation will begin and be completed within 15 school days. As your Principal, I believe that every child deserves a safe and respectful learning environment. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 321-784-0484
Melissa Long, Principal